Hey! I’m   Sara Akhlaq.

I grew up in Pakistan. I have been living in Germany for past couple of years.
I am a   researcher   and a  designer.

I'm currently working at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin on the project 'Virtual access to fossil and archival material from the German Tendaguru Expedition (1909-1913)'. Along with that I am pursuing a PhD at the Chair of Humanities Data Science and Methodology at TU Darmstadt. My research lies at the intersection of critical digital cultural heritage and data visualisation. I’ve been trying to address biases in museum collection data by inspecting it through an intersectional feminist and anti-colonial lens.

more about me

Recent activities

01.03.2024 - Present

Organising and facilitating series of internal workshops, as part of the project Virtual access to fossil and archival material from the German Tendaguru Expedition (1909-1913), in order to discuss just representation of musuem data of colonial nature

10.07.2024 - 11.07.2024

Organised and facilitated workshop, titled Thinking Through Tendaguru Dinosaurs, with Tanzanian Scholars in order to discuss highliting colonial influences in museum data


Talk during the event series 'Kolloquium Provenienzforschung' on the topic Power and Agency in Data Infrastructures of Museum and Archival Collections at German Lost Art Foundation


Workshop on building bridges between data visualisation and VR/3D experiences at the event  How to Represent the Virtual? at the division SFB 1567 Virtuelle Lebenswelten at Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Lecture during Advanced Seminar Modern History/History of Technology at the division Humanities Data Science and Technology at TU Darmstadt


Keynote at Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften (FORGE) 2023.